What Are Advocacy Alerts?
Need help advocating for Health and Physical Education at the state, district, or school level? We want to help! Simply fill out the form below and we will use our network to help you advocate for the health and well-being of students.
How It Works?
- Fill out the free advocacy alert form below with as much detail as possible.
- SPARK, state organizations, and other individuals will share these alerts with the community through social media (#SHAPEadvocacy), newsletters, and emails.
- Looking for consultant who can help you advocate? Be sure to visit our advocacy presenter network.
If you would like to join our advocacy presenter network, we encourage you to signup to be an advocacy expert! - Learn how to advocate for your students by visiting our advocacy resource pages:
- Academics & Physical Activity: The data is clear – healthy students are better learners.
- Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program: Download the resource guide.
- Advocacy for Physical Education and Physical Activity Resources: A collection of advocacy resources.
Advocacy Alert Form:
Are You An Advocacy Expert?
If you are willing to present or mentor teachers and have experience advocating for Health and Physical Education, we encourage you to join our advocacy presenter network!