The World's Most Evidence-Based Physical Education & Physical Activity Programs!

The FIRST Physical Education & Assessment App


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Try the SPARK App for free today or get full access with a SPARKfamily subscription!

Have an active SPARKfamily subscription? Log into the app with your username & password.

Try the app for free by signing up for a free trial!

*If you’ve previously registered for a free trial on and it has lapsed, you have the option to re-register using an alternate email address.

*SPARK App available for SPARK PE (K-2, 3-6, Middle School, High School), After School, and Early Childhood Programs.

Amazing features available in the palm of your hand!

Access SPARK lesson plans & materials from the palm of your hand

Whether you need a quick refresher on a lesson or would like to browse lessons, the SPARK app is a great tool that gives you quick access to all SPARK materials.

Track attendance and use the random selector to choose groups or students

The SPARK App helps you save time throughout the class period allowing for more activity time for students!

Easily upload class rosters, results, and reporting

Easily add your class roster on the admin backend through your computer. Quickly access your rosters to take attendance, assess students and form groups.

Favorite lessons for
easy access

We all have our favorite SPARK lesson plans. With the SPARK app, you can now favorite your lessons and keep them stored for fast access!

Schedule lessons, assessments, and fitness tests

As you plan for upcoming units and assessments, schedule them into your calendar! The calendar reminds you which lessons are coming up with pop-up reminders.

Record skill and fitness assessments directly from the app

Use SPARK rubrics to instantly assess student skill, and simplify fitness testing by recording results directly in the app. Analyze and download reports using the teacher portal.


Access SPARK lesson plans & materials from the palm of your hand

From lesson plans and skill cards to assessments and music, the SPARK app gives you quick access to all SPARK materials.

Track attendance and use the random selector to choose groups or individual students

The SPARK app helps you save time throughout the class period, allowing for more activity time for students!

Easily upload class rosters, results, and reporting

Simply add your class roster via your admin account. Then access your rosters to take attendance, assess students, and form groups.

Favorite lessons for
easy access

We all have our favorite SPARK lesson plans. With the SPARK app, you can now favorite your lessons and keep them stored for fast access!

Schedule lessons, assessments, and fitness tests

As you plan for upcoming units and assessments, schedule them into your calendar! The calendar reminds you which lessons are coming up with pop-up reminders.

Record skill and fitness assessments directly from the app

Use SPARK rubrics to instantly assess student skill, and simplify fitness testing by recording results directly in the app. Analyze and download reports using the teacher portal.

The Home Screen

Watch the video below to understand all of the features on the home screen.

How to Use the Home Screen:

Lesson Plans

Whether you need a quick refresher or would like to browse all lessons, the SPARK app gives you quick access to all of your materials.

How To Access SPARK Lessons:

Skill and Task Cards

View SPARK’s collection of skill and task cards directly from the app! 

Add Your Heading Text Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

How To Access Skill and
Task Cards:

Note: Skill and Task Cards can be viewed on the SPARK app, but cannot be downloaded or printed. Log in to your SPARKfamily portal on your computer to download and print.


Need a quick refresher on a lesson plan? Watch the activity preview video on the SPARK app!

Simply navigate to the lesson and select “video”. Activity preview videos are currently available for all K-2, 3-6, and Middle School Physical Education lesson plans. High School videos are coming soon! 

How To Access Lesson Videos:

Add Your Heading Text Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Connect your phone to your music player and play music specifically designed for kids. Never again will you have to worry about hearing inappropriate language. All SPARK music has been approved for physical education!

Add Your Heading Text Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Add Your Heading Text Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

How To Access Music:

Student Management Overview

The SPARK app has many class management tools to organize students and increase activity time! In order to use these tools, you must upload your class rosters using the Teacher Portal. Learn how to add students by visiting the “Teacher Portal” tab.

How to Edit Students:

Note: To take advantage of the student management tools,  you must upload your class rosters on the SPARK App Teacher Portal first.

Track Attendance​

Taking attendance has never been easier than with the SPARK app! Simply load your class roster and mark whether students are present or absent directly in the app.

How to Take Attendance:

How to Edit Attendance:

Note: To take advantage of the Attendance feature you must upload a class roster on the SPARK App Teacher Portal first.

Group and Student Selector

Need to form groups of 3, 4, 5, or any other number up to 10? No problem! The SPARK group and student selector allows you to easily create groups of any number. The random student selector is great for finding team leaders or other roles to help manage your class!

How To Assign Groups:

How To Select a
Random Student:

Note: To take advantage of the student management tools,  you must upload your class rosters on the SPARK App Teacher Portal first.

Favorite Lessons

We all have our favorite SPARK lesson plans. With the SPARK app, you can now favorite your lessons and keep them stored for fast access!

How To Favorite SPARK Lessons:

How To Remove Lessons From Favorite List:

Schedule Events

As you plan for upcoming units and assessments, schedule them into your calendar! The calendar reminds you which lessons are coming up with pop-up reminders.

Learn How to Schedule Events:

Note: You can also schedule events from the SPARK App Teacher Portal.

Skill Assessment

How do you assess skill progressions in Physical Education? With the SPARK app, you can use pre-built rubrics to assess student skill and progression. Easily view the results and create a report in the Teacher Portal by clicking on “Reports”.

How To Perform a Skill Assessment:

Fitness Assessment

Looking for an easy way to perform fitness assessments with your students? Look no further! With the SPARK app, you can perform fitness assessments right from the app! Easily view the results and create a report in the Teacher Portal by clicking on “Reports”.

How To Perform a Fitness Activity:

How To Perform a Timed Event:

How To Create a
Custom Assessment

Self-Assessments (Emailed to Students)

How to use email self-assessments to students to complete. The assessment template will be emailed to students to fill out on their own then they will submit their answers.

How To Email Students Self-Assessments

Teacher Portal Overview

To access the Teacher Portal – login to and click “Click Here for the SPARK Assess Mobile App Teacher Portal” under “What’s New” on the home page.

Add/edit students and upload class rosters

Upload your class roster and create students to use certain app features such as fitness and skill assessment tools, group creator, and attendance tracker.

Create events and organize your schedule

The SPARK app and Teacher Portal are in constant sync. Schedule your lessons and assessments in the portal for them to seamlessly appear on the app.

View assessments and reports

After taking class attendance or performing an assessment, log into your teacher portal to view results and create reports! 

Add a Student

The Teacher Portal allows you to quickly add class rosters and edit students. Simply download the sample CSV file and insert your class roster. Upload the CSV file to the portal and quickly have all of your class rosters available in the SPARK app!

About the Student Dashboard:

How To Add New Students:

Schedule an Event

Schedule your SPARK lessons and assessments ahead of time with the SPARK app! Develop your plan in the Teacher Portal and easily access it within the calendar view of the app.

How to View the
Calendar Dashboard:

How to Add a New Event:

Attendance Reports

Quickly take attendance at the start of each class using the SPARK app and view your reports using the Teacher Portal online.

How to View
Attendance Reports:

View Reports

Access fitness and skill assessments in the Teacher Portal. Simply view a class overview or individual report. Class overview reports can be downloaded and individual data can easily be copied and pasted into a spreadsheet for further reporting.

How to View
Skill Assessments:

How to View Fitness Assessments: