The World's Most Evidence-Based Physical Education & Physical Activity Programs!

SPARK was designed to be more inclusive, active, and enjoyable than traditional PE classes, and more than 30 years for research and dissemination support the achievements of those original goals.

SPARK digital members now get full access to the FIRST physical education curriculum & assessment app!
Learn More.

SPARK is a complete program made of four key components!


Early Childhood Curriculum

"What To Teach"

Designed to provide high energy, academically integrated, enjoyable activities that enhance motor development and school readiness skills in children ages 3-5.


Professional Development

"How To Teach"

Teacher training is designed to provide a working knowledge of SPARK’s unique content and instructional strategies. Teachers leave motivated and ready to “SPARK-up” their students for a lifetime of good health!


Equipment Sets

"Tools To Teach"

Expert-selected, high-quality, content-matched Gopher equipment provides you with everything you need to execute the SPARK Early Childhood program!


Free Lifetime Support

Once a SPARKer, always a SPARKer!

For a program to work and last, ongoing consultation must be provided. SPARK is committed to extensive follow-up via their unique “SPARK Stars” institutionalization model, offering FREE lifetime support through toll-free number and e-mail consultation, a monthly webinar series, social networking opportunities and a monthly eNewsletter that includes SPARK updates and teaching tips.

Interested in learning more or have questions?

Complete the short form below and our team will reach out within 2-4 business days.
Please select the program components you're interested in:
Sign up to receive our monthly eNewsletter, webinar information, and more!

Early Childhood Curriculum Features

The world's most evidence-based physical education program designed for After School!

Positive Learning Environment Unit

This unit supports a physically and emotionally safe place for all children to be active. These lessons help youth build positive relationships, enhance communication skills, and provide opportunities to work cooperatively to solve challenges. These team-building activities reinforce skills children will use all year-long such as positive peer interaction, encouragement, trust, and teamwork.  

11 Print + 4 Digital Units!

The instructional units are aligned with the SPARK Yearly Plan. Receive updates for free with an active subscription!

Over 360 Activities!

The Early Childhood curriculum, available in a new enhanced lesson plan format, includes more than 360 high MVPA, easy to learn, and easy to teach activities that your youth will love. 

An Evidence-Based Curriculum That's Proven to Work

View articles that prove the dramatic results achieved by early childhood programs that have implemented SPARK programs.


Likert scale rubrics for Motor, Cognitive, Social, and Personal Development are included in every instructional unit. And now, you can assess children with the SPARK App!

The SPARK Early Childhood curriculum also includes the following teacher resources:


Contains the music you need to teach SPARK including warm-up music, interval music, and all songs to instruct SPARK dances.

Skill and Station Cards

Skill Cards may be used as teaching aides, for stations in a circuit, or in combination to create movement routines. English/Spanish

SPARK digital members now get full access to the FIRST physical education curriculum & assessment app!

Early Childhood Curriculum Units (180+ Lesson Plans)

Instructional Units:

Digital Only Units

All SPARK Early Childhood Lessons Include:


Indicates the learning objectives the lesson addresses.

Teaching Tips

Pointers from SPARK Early Childhood specialist who have taught the lesson before.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies

Shows lesson’s alignment with CASEL’s SEL competencies and related social skills.

READY, SET, GO! Format

Lists equipment/materials needed, describes set-up prior to instruction, and includes ready-to-read activity description that states instructions and directions.

Reflection Questions

Questions encourage reflection on the lesson and allow for assessment of knowledge and understanding.

The Right Fit

Modifications and suggestions for limited space, activity variations, and inclusive strategies for children with developmental delays and disabilities.

Academic Integration

One of 6 types (art, literacy, math, music, nutrition, and science) of Academic Integrations included in each lesson. Use as academic enrichment tools before or after a SPARK lesson, or during circle time.

Family Fun

Ideas you can share with parents/guardians to promote physical activity at home.

SPARK is trusted by schools around the world!
What are some saying?

“SPARK is such a wonderful program. It brings physical activity alive! The Title 1 Early Childhood staff and children enjoy their physical activity journey each and every day.”

-Yvonne Jones, Title 1 Early Childhood Program
Memphis City Schools Memphis, TN

Access SPARK Early Childhood Today!

Program Trial

3-Week Trial



1-Year Subscription


/1 year

Most Popular!

Only $99/year


3-Year Subscription


  /3 years

SPARK Bundle


2022 SPARK Early Childhood Institute in San Diego

June 13-14, 2022


The Dana on Mission Bay

1710 West Mission Bay Drive
San Diego, CA 92109

Registration Includes

  • ★ Two fantastic days with SPARK’s top presenters
  • ★ Handout packet and supplementary materials
  • ★ Institute T-shirt and raffle prizes
  • ★ Morning coffee and assorted hot teas
  • ★ Lunch
  • ★ Hosted evening social on Day 1
  • ★ Eligible for one unit of credit
  • ★ SPARK Certification Award upon completion of program
  • ★ Free lifetime follow-up support from SPARK
  • ★ Free SPARK monthly e-newsletter
  • ★ Free monthly webinar series
  • ★ Social media opportunities
  • ★ Exclusive Gopher equipment discount provided at Institute and valid for 60 days

Space is limited to the first 40 registrants!


Space is limited. Register today to save $200!

$230*/person (2022 Discounted Rate)

$430*/person (Regular Registration)

*Attendee is required to have an active Early Childhood SPARKfamily digital subscription at time of Institute.

Purchase SPARK Early Childhood today!

For more information, contact SPARK at 1-833-737-7275 or

Hotel Information

The Dana on Mission Bay

Book your hotel room now to take advantage of discounted rate!

Hotel Discounted Rates:
$179 & $20* resort fee+ tax** per room/night

Must Book By: 5/12/22

To book your reservation online via the SPARK Discounted Booking Link, click here.

If you would like to extend your stay, upgrade room type or just prefer to speak to a person, you can reach out to the reservations department at 800-445-3339 and mention the specific institute you are referencing along with “SPARK.”

Note: Group rate is available 3 days pre/post.

The discounted resort fee includes everything below plus so much more:

  • 2 Bottles of Water in Room Daily
  • High Speed Wireless Internet
  • Attraction Ticket Discounts
  • Beach Chair & Umbrella Rentals
  • Free Local Phone Calls
  • Fitness Center (open daily from 8am – 11pm)
  • Business Center and Complimentary Printing (closed until further notice)
  • View all inclusions

*Discounted daily resort fee at $20 ($32 value)
**All rates are subject to the prevailing city and state taxes that currently total 12.695% and are subject to change without notice.

    • SPARK institutes are not “Train the Trainer” programs. Completing both Institute days earns the title “SPARK Certified Instructor,” which is different than a “SPARK Certified Trainer.” A Trainer is licensed to conduct SPARK workshops for colleagues in their school, district or community. If you are interested in becoming a SPARK Certified Trainer, there is a program for that. Contact SPARK for more information.
  • To ensure the rights and privacy of our attendees, no videotaping is allowed by participants during SPARK Institute sessions.


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