SPARK Certification
What is a SPARK Certified Instructor?
A SPARK Certified Instructor is someone who has completed at least 12 hours of SPARK training in any SPARK program (e.g., K-2 PE, High School PE, After School, etc.). For example, a Preschool teacher who has accumulated 12 hours of training in the SPARK Early Childhood program earns a SPARK Certification Award and is eligible for a graduate unit of credit from San Diego State University.
After more than two decades of research and dissemination experiences, SPARK has learned that teacher training is an essential component and at least 12 hours of it are needed for successful implementation.
Note: Completing the SPARK Premium program (12 hours) earns you the title “SPARK Certified Instructor”, which is different than a “SPARK Certified Trainer”. A Trainer is licensed to conduct SPARK workshops for colleagues in their school, district or community. If you ARE interested in becoming a SPARK Certified Trainer, contact SPARK for more information.